Andrew Markners
District Level Experience: 2018 Referendum Committee, 2018 Impact Fee Advocacy
Other School Volunteer Experience:
SCES SIC 2010-2014, SCES PTO Treasurer 2011-2014, DBES SIC 2014-2017, DBES PTO Treasurer 2016-2018,
BTMS PTO Treasurer 2017-Present
Since my son first started in kindergarten I have been involved with the schools, whether it be volunteering at the school, being a member of the PTO board, being on the School Improvement council, or most recently serving as a Co-Chair of the successful "Keep Our Schools Strong" Bond Referendum Committee.
I have met many great people along the way, and learned a lot. Fellow citizens, other parents, teachers, administrators, board members, county council members, city & town council members, and many more great people have helped form my views on our school district. I am fortunate to call most of them friends now.
My children have attended elementary school in one of the most diverse and financially challenged areas of our district, as well as one of the most affluent areas of our district.
Despite being the number one district in the state, we have many challenges. In order to maintain the quality we have today we are going to have to change and adapt as a district. Both our massive growth and the significant financial challenges we have will necessitate changing and adapting just to maintain the quality we have today. But I think we can do even better.
I don't have all the answers. I don't even have all the right questions. But the great thing is that's not what is going to make a great board member for our school district.
I have the willingness and ability to learn, the ability to debate and challenge, the ability to listen to other viewpoints, and perhaps most importantly, the ability to understand that a group of minds working together to find solutions is far greater than one mind.
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